1. Function Module
Assume you have a FunctionModule.js with the following content:// an internal variable, which is only accesible within the module
var internalMsg = "Only visible within the module";
// an exported function, which this module offers
exports.hello = function(msg) {
alert('your message: ' + msg + ' internal message: ' + internalMsg);
you could use you module like this:
// call the exported function
// no access from the outside to the internal variable
alert('interal var from module: ' + fmo.internalMsg)
you could use you module like this:
you could use you module like this:
// reference the module
var fmo = require('/ui/common/FunctionModule');// call the exported function
fmo.hello('External Message');
// no access from the outside to the internal variable
alert('interal var from module: ' + fmo.internalMsg)
2. Object Module
Assume you have a ObjectModule.js with the following content:// constructor of your object
function Sample(name) {
this.name = name;
// function, which alerts the current name
Sample.prototype.showName = function() {
alert('Name: ' + this.name);
// function, which sets the name
Sample.prototype.setName = function(name) {
this.name = name;
// you just export your Object and override the methods as prototypes
module.exports = Sample;
you could use you module like this:
// reference the module
var SampleModule = require('/ui/common/ObjectModule');
// Create a sample Object
var sam = new SampleModule('Fred');
// call a Method
// change the internal name